If you have photos or other memorabilia from the 1960's, please contact the webmaster!
This photo of the troop was taken at El Rancho Cima in 1967. If you can identify any of the "unknown Scouts" please tell us! Front Row: Michael Barnes, Mike Martin, Michael Roberts, ?, Mike Thompson, Mike Neely (guest) Second Row: ?, Bill Musgrove, Carl Scott, George Wallace, Bill Wallace, Robert Adoph, Roy Hirsch, Mike Harvey, Robert Halick Third Row: Chris Ponthier, Walter James, John V. Halick Jr., Mike Wark, Pat Delmore, Loy Locker, Mark Davidson, ?, Bill Scott, John Layne |
Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2010 19:28
This picture was taken in front of the Altar Rail at Saint Vincent de Paul church in 1966 or 1967. From my height, I am guessing 1967, when I would have been in eighth grade. The altar rail was taken out in the early 1970s, I think. I think the month of the AAD was March or April. The next time I am at my mother’s house, I will look for more stuff from the ceremony. If my mother saved the program ( I think I remember seeing it 20 years ago or so), I will find it and get it to you. The boys in the picture are: Kevin O’Connor (reading), Bill Scott, Mark Davidson, Carl Scott, Walter James, and George Wallace. I cannot recognize the boy at the far left. I THINK the adult behind and over Kevin O’Connor is Mr. Hirsch. I do not know, and maybe never did know, his first name. He was just Mr. Hirsch. I remember his son was named “Roy”. I suspect Neil will remember Walter James’s older brother, who was in the troop with him, I think. Of all of these boys, the only one whose current whereabouts I know is Carl Scott. He is a psychology professor at the University of Saint Thomas. His father was an assistant scoutmaster, and well as a very good lawyer. |
Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2010 19:28
This photo of the troop was taken at Camp Strake (recognize the bleachers?) in 1966. Front row: Michael Barnes, Vincent Hughes, George Wallace, Robert Halick, John Roberts, Bill Musgrove Second Row: John Layne, Walter James, Mike Harvey, Bill Scott, Roy Hirsch Third Row: Mark Davidson, Loy Locker, John V. Halick Sr. (Scoutmaster), Pat Delmore, Carl Scott |
Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2010 19:19
The Scouting program at St. Vincent de Paul was entered into by my son and myself in June of 1960, in the Cub program. I was Cubmaster for 2 years in 1960 and 1961!
I joined the troop in 1962 as an Assistant Scoutmaster. Bob Parsons was the Scoutmaster for the first couple of months to 1962. Then he resigned because of health (he had a heart problem). Orville Hunter took over as Scoutmaster but his son Branson was one year too young and could not join the troop. There were a lot of problems in the troop and Al Clay, Jr. somewhat held the troop together. I don't believe he was actually on the charter as the Scoutmaster at this time; he mainly worked with the troop during the time of Jock Mueller (during the building of the Scout House), when his son Albert III was in the troop. I lived across the street from them and was therefore fairly close.
My son Philip earned his Eagle in 1964 at the same Court of Honor with Mike Toomey. (Webmaster's Note: Mike Toomey, a former three-term State Representative for District 135, Houston, is the only individual in Texas history to be Chief of Staff for two Texas Governors: William P. Clements, Jr. 1989-1990 and Rick Perry 2002-2004.)
I was on the Sam Houston Area Council's Catholic Committee on Scouting, and put on the Catholic Retreat in 1966. This is during the same time that the troop was extremely active. We had 4 Eagles and 12 Ad Altare Dei. (Webmaster's Note: We actually had more Eagles and Ad Altare Dei than that during the 1960's!)
I was Scoutmaster for only one year, and when I left, Orville Hunter took over as Scoutmaster and was active for two more years, after which he took the Explorer Post. We had the first co-ed camp out for the Explorers. I might add that it was interesting. I was with them!
From 1960 to 1969 is the only time I can truly vouch for. During the entire time, Orville Hunter was active and was encouraging the entire program.
Last Updated on Thursday, 18 March 2010 06:00
Neil Calnan, ASM Bill ___, Daisy Calnan, Gary Calnan |
Neil Calnan |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 06:00